Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Parents of mesothelioma victim pushed hard for Supreme Court precedent


"Tennessean Amanda Nicole Satterfield died of mesothelioma on January 1, 2005 at the age of 25. Her father Doug worked for Alcoa from 1973 until 2006. He did not know that he was working with the toxic substance asbestos. His wife Donna gave birth to Amanda in 1979; she was three months premature. When Doug showed up to visit his baby in the hospital, he had asbestos dust on his hair and clothing, exposing her fragile body to the toxin that would cause her mesothelioma and eventual death a quarter of a century later.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) had instituted regulations in 1972 that prohibited employees who were exposed to asbestos from bringing their contaminated clothing home to be laundered. Alcoa ignored this regulation. Doug did not know that he was working with asbestos at that time, and the company never advised him about it.


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